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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Quality Time With Family

For 2012 I have set some personal goals. Surprise-surprise, right? That's what most people do every year... Anyway one of the goals is to come up with some family activities that give us opportunity to bond with one another. My young adults are 19 (will be 20 in February), 16 (17 in April) and 12 (13 in December) so to get them all together and engaged with one another is quite a task but one I am committed to. I have been searching the web for some motivation and have happened upon some neat sounding ideas, like geocaching, have you ever heard of that? It is supposed to be like a scavenger hunt using GPS devices. It sounds like great fun and there are several hunts in our local area so maybe we can work it into everyone’s schedule. I will be sure to post our adventure in the months to come. I also think it might be fun to have family movie night and make homemade pizzas and maybe some caramel popcorn, sit down together and watch some old classics then discuss during and afterwards. Hiking sounds like another nice activity to do this spring. How about you? Do you have any suggestions for me that will help me reach my goal of family time? I would love to hear it..


  1. nice

    new follower huda from

  2. I am in the same boat as you. we have 5 children:

    I don't give them an option. I tell them, come on let's go outside. During Christmas break, even though Santa brought them an X-Box, we went outside and played football (touch) and frisbee. I try to find free or low cost things to do for our large family. One thing they loved last Spring Break were museums...who would have thunk

    Following back from Thursday blog hop

  3. Following you back! Happy to meet you! My kiddos are little and ALWAYS with me, so I have the exact opposite time! I am excited to find out what works, keeping family close is the best! I remember going to music shows and out to dinner with my Mom as a teenager. Movies would be fun (if everyone could decide on one! lol) Hiking, museums, and minigolf...what about wii sports night?!?!? I'll be taking notes from your blog!!!
