So Glad you stopped by!

Hello and welcome to Maves Faves. Boy it's great to have a place to record my favorite things. My hope is that you find at least one thing that is helpful to you while you're here visiting. If this is your first visit please sign up at "Follow me here" and if you have a blog tell me in the comment section and I will return the favor. Happy Blogging :)



There isn't a fee for product reviews.
I will need product to review. Myself or a family member will try your product in order to give a fair and honest review.
I will not be responsible for any shipping cost.
To form an accurate and honest review I or a family member will try your product. If for some reason the review doesn't meet my expectations or If I think the product would not be something that my readers would be interested in I will contact you.
In order for postings to be unbiased I will not send you my review before posting it to my blog. I will not post a negative review prior to contacting you.
Please allow 3-6 weeks (depending on product) for the review and posting.
All reviews will post or be linked to Mavesfaves, Facebook, Google connect or any other blog giveaway links that I may be participating in at the time of the review.
Once I have completed review and posted it I will send you a link. The only corrections I will make are typographical errors, follow back links, and keyword terms. 

I prefer (but don't require) to give a review that includes a giveaway (prize) item to my readers.
I email winners. They have 48 hours to respond. If the winner doesn't respond within 48 hours a new winner will be drawn. I use Rafflecopter.
In conjunction with my zero shipping cost legal disclosure it is my policy that the giveaway (prize) be sent directly to the winner. I will provide you (the sponsor) with the winners information.
I request that unless otherwise agreed upon that the item (prize) be shipped to the winner(s) within 2-3 weeks after the conclusion of the giveaway.